HELP - Trasparent background for GH animation

Hi Guys,
I’m creating an animation with Grasshopper using an animated Script but is seams that you can save only BMP file without any bakcground transparency.

Anyone could help me finding a solution?
Should I use a plugin or this is possible with the new V8 tools?

@AndyPayne maybe you can help me?

There’s anybody out there? :grinning:

What display mode are you using in your active viewport whenever you generate the animation? If the background is not transparent (make the background have a solid color) then the image will not contain a transparent background when you export the animation. To change this setting, go to Tools->Options->View->Display Mode and click on the active display mode you’re using. Then under the Viewport Settings->Background choose a color instead of making it transparent. Also, you can save to other formats (like .png and .jpg) by changing the extension in the Filename template.

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Nooo way! I would never thought to this :rofl:
Isn’t so evident but if works it’s good to know it.

Thank you

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