HELP! Morph mesh

hello, i need help, sorry but i’m a beginner, i need to attack a mesh object on the curved surface of another mesh object. how can I do? it must be able to move up and down, left and right on the curved mesh surface

Deconstruct the mesh, get vertices, move vertices, reconstruct the mesh.
Upload a more detailed question with the code you have so far if you want more help.

You can use simple Move and Rotate components on the red mesh to position it and then once it is in the correct position use a Mesh Boolean component Mesh Union to join the two meshes together. Do not try and join then move as this is far more complicated and unnecessary.

Both meshes will need to be good quality meshes for the boolean operation to work - Closed, valid meshes with no non-manifold edges etc.

If the correct position of the red mesh does no intersect well with the grey mesh you may need to adapt it by extending it into the grey mesh.

If you are still not getting great results when joining the meshes (because of mesh quality for example) then you might be able to use the Shrinkwrap tool in Rhino8 WIP. This would wrap a new mesh around both the grey and red meshes once they are in the right position.

Thanks for the reply, I would like this to happen automatically. I would like that by tracing the vertical line on the gray mesh, the red mesh automatically adheres perfectly to the gray one at a certain height and I would like to have the possibility to move it later. excuse me but I don’t have much experience, with what you told me you have to do it manually using the sliders

This might help get you going (demonstrating how to get points/normals on a mesh and moving an object along it using Plane-Plane transformations): (47.6 KB)


Thank you so much

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No worries. I just realised I neglected to orient the moving mesh along the curve, meaning it would “flip” around the target mesh normal. Here’s a quick fix to that: (49.7 KB)

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Thanks so much for the solution. I would like to position the same geometry 5 mm from a line that I automatically draw on the base. I would like the flowing geometry to automatically position itself at 5mm, how can I do it?

I would like to position the geometry (the box) 5 mm from a line that I draw on the base. I would like the box to automatically position itself at 5mm, what can I do? (49.7 KB)

Move it 5 units along the Z vector of your orientation plane.

thanks, I would like it to be automatically positioned at 5 mm when I insert different boxes, I can change it using the slider

I would like to position the geometry (the box) 5 mm from a line that I draw on the base. I would like the box to automatically position itself at 5mm, what can I do? (49.7 KB)

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To what direction?

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You did not like the answer you got in the duplicate thread you posted?

You should continue the discussion in the original thread if you have further questions.


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In Z axis

Which is actually this one, maybe don’t triple post @Luca93!

Automatically position - Grasshopper - McNeel Forum

Someone please merge these two topics.

Sorry, I’m using this. I have loaded different “boxes” I would like it to automatically position itself 5 mm from the surface based on which one I choose

230630_MoveMeshOnMesh Edited (49.3 KB)

Thank you very much, this way I succeeded. I have a list of different boxes and I would like that automatically when I choose the different boxes they are positioned in a list of different heights and then individually I can move them along the z vector