Having Trouble Exporting Curve to SKP

Hi, I am having some funky stuff happening with my curves in from Rhino to SKP. And I am not sure where the problem lies.

END GOAL: I want to export my curves as DWG and have them turn up ok in Skethcup




Curve info:

trouble curve.3dm (129.2 KB)

I was able to solve the problem by running CurveBoolean on my curve, which change its info to:

I tend to think SketchUp is the culprit here as CAD displays the curve just fine. But it is also true that initial curve is a NURBS Curve, while CurveBoolean one is a ‘closed polyline’

How can I solve this without having to run CurveBoolean on all my Rhino curves??

Hello- try SimplifyCrv on the Nurbs version.


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It works! Awesome, I can select all and run Simplify on all my curves before exporting.