Hatch and Line Order

Lately I have been having an issue with my hatch and line display order. In model space and in layout space, it will appear that the lines are above the hatch, however, then it will print with them opposite. It seems like even when I have sent the hatch behind, and continue working, if I make any other changes to those objects the order will switch. And I am certain the lines are displaying as above, because it happens with solid hatches as well. So I’m constantly having to check the print extensively and go back and reorder objects. I never used to have this problem in the past. Has something changed, or have I accidentally changed some setting? Thank you

Hi Em- please post a file with a couple of these mis-behaving objects.


Here is an object that the orange line appears above the white hatch in rhino, but it plots behind, so is masked by the white hatch. In the square object, the line hatch is above the thick curve line. It works to send to back, however, when I’ve had to reprint a sheet, let’s say on a different day or maybe have made some changes to surrounding objects, it’s reversed again. This is happening throughout my entire file, so it’s not specific objects.
Draw-Order-Issue.3dm (410.9 KB)
Draw-Order-Issue.pdf (25.7 KB)

Thank you

Hi Em - from what I can see - if I am looking at the right things, like this line (?)


There is no draw order currently on these.


Hello, yes in this object, it is just those lines. And then the other object the hatch is above the blue line when it plots. Here are two other objects - the square object - some of the hatch is above (which again - I will fix it, only to later find it reversed again - possibly when I make changes to the lines or hatch.) And then the rectangle with the white hatch - is plotting correctly at the moment, but I had the same issue with initially it plotting with the white hatch masking all the lines.
Draw-Order-Issue.3dm (468.9 KB)

Draw-Order-Issue-update.pdf (25.4 KB)

Hi Em - in that more rectangular object there are no objects that I can find that have draw order applied. There are a few curves in the long and skinny groups that have draw order but not many, so far.
If you ClearDrawOrder on averything and then apply draw orders you like, does that stick?


I did not know about clearing the draw order, thank you, I will try that!

I am still experiencing this issue, and had a coworker just express having the same issues, so I thought I would post again to see if there may be some other possible solution.

Again the issue is that a line or even text appear to be above a hatch, but then the order is reversed after printing to a PDF, so the line is actually behind and hidden by the hatch. “Bring to front” and “send to back” do solve this, however, it’s incredibly tedious having to scour a PDF drawing to see if all the text and lines are actually above the hatch.

thank you!