Happy new year!

Thanks for a great 2013, I hope 2014 will be even more prosperous and meaningful for all of you.
This news group has grown on me and I hardly miss the old NNTP solution, and that just goes to say that McNeels decisions are over all good.



Here’s to a prosporus New Year for all of us!!


Yes. Happy New Year! By the way, we got to a little over 16,000 posts on this discourse server this year.

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Happy new year from me too
Ciao Vittorio

Cool! If we extrapolate that over an entire year, that puts us at about 32K posts per year, as good as the best year the newsgroup ever had (2009) and far above the 2012 level of 22K posts.

OK, it’s still a bit of comparing apples and oranges, as the newsgroup stats were compiled on the Rhino forum only and this is combining that with a number of others which were previously separate entities (Scripting/Developer, Mac, Python…) but still I think the results are very encouraging and obviously far from the disaster predicted by some…

So big thanks to @stevebaer Steve and @brian and Brian for all your efforts in making this work!

Happy New Year to all!


Happy New Year to all ! :sunny:

Mitch, thank your for all your responses. You really are a trouper.

The way I look at it the discussions on the subject of 3d modeling are just a tiny fraction of what they were 10 years ago.

Today your lucky to see a dozen posts a week that are about using Rhino to make 3d models. And a lot of the time when somebody asks how to model something in Rhino the most common suggestion is that you need to download some other program to do that.

There used to be ten times as many posts on using Rhino to build geometry… It was what people talked about the most. I like to think there are still people out there using Rhino to model things, but I’m wondering why so few of them are here discussing that topic.

Well, I simply attribute it to the fact that times have changed, and that one or more of the following things may now be true:

  • People have more experience with different modeling programs today then 10 years ago, maybe don’t need as much help
  • Lots more online training material is available, tutorials, courses, etc.
  • Rhino is being taught in a lot of schools now
  • People are using Rhino differently than they were 10 years ago, perhaps with more automated plug-ins and scripting but also as a rendering/presentation platform

It’s also a fact that there are a LOT of accessible modeling programs out there that didn’t exist 10 years ago, and those that did exist have also improved measurably. Some of them ARE better at modeling certain types of things than Rhino is… :speak_no_evil:

Anyway, I guess the important thing is that people come here with questions - of all sorts - and in general they get good answers. And I’m also happy that you’re still here and still jump in on those modeling questions… your expertise is still highly valued in my book.


Happy new year to everyone !


Best wishes & up to another great year of 3d!

hey All!

Happy New Year to everybody. My resolution for this year is try to come here more often. I’ve been using Rhino quite a bit and I figure it’s time to start bugging my favorite developers for V6, or V7, or whatever, just bug them for the fun of it! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yeah, c’mon Gustavo, we’re missing our regular thrashing, already.
