Hanging chain model and optimized panelization

Hello! I am working on a computational hanging chain model and panelizatin of it. Eventhough, i have tried 2 method to create, I have different problems on these models.

Firstly, I used Kangaroo:

The problem is that curves are random and uncontrollable because Kangaroo strecthed the curves. I need control every curve independently and have to know the length and distance between vertex. Because I am trying to produce panels through lunchbox. In this situation, I couldn’t create regular panels, even regular surface (nurbs are unuseful).

Secondly, I used catenary component, it works when the curves are parallel and I can panelize it. However, the catenary component is working individual, two curves not affects each other. I added an example what i talked intersection point below.

**I added relevant files.

example.3dm (625.4 KB)
example.gh (41.3 KB)

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I recategorized your topic so the right people see it.

If you want any help and make it as easy as possible for the person helping you, please upload your files with the relevant geometry internalised.

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kekilli_chain_network_panels_SM_edits_20240102.gh (33.9 KB)

@İrem_Kekilli This solution should help you out. The key is to start with a mesh and the use the faces of that mesh downstream for your panelization. Also take note of the conversion from mesh faces to Lunchbox panels. I hope this gets you on track :slight_smile:

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Thank you for solution :slight_smile: After studying little bit more, I used lunchbox for panelization and clustering and it worked. Additionally, your solution will be useful to obtain double curved surfaces and panels.