Hello! I am working on a computational hanging chain model and panelizatin of it. Eventhough, i have tried 2 method to create, I have different problems on these models.
Firstly, I used Kangaroo:
The problem is that curves are random and uncontrollable because Kangaroo strecthed the curves. I need control every curve independently and have to know the length and distance between vertex. Because I am trying to produce panels through lunchbox. In this situation, I couldn’t create regular panels, even regular surface (nurbs are unuseful).
Secondly, I used catenary component, it works when the curves are parallel and I can panelize it. However, the catenary component is working individual, two curves not affects each other. I added an example what i talked intersection point below.
**I added relevant files.
example.3dm (625.4 KB)
example.gh (41.3 KB)