Need help creating a tensile structure


I’m fairly experienced GH user but this isn’t the type of geometry I’m used to design.
Any tips and help regarding how to make a shape like this is welcome :slight_smile:
Idea is pretty simple: there’s a huge flat plate on top with a set thickness and from the bottom surface of the plate 3 pieces (or mb 4) smooth looking ‘supports’ are extruded.

Is this a kangaroo job or is there a way to create this with basic modelling tools? I was thinking of making these simple trumpet type of shapes it seems pretty much impossible to connect the surfaces smoothly.

No Rhino or GH file here to reference but only a very solid looking sketch.

Thanks! PS. I’m not experienced on Kangaroo so I really need to map out the different ways of doing this first.

It is indeed, have a look at Daniel’s example files here:

Thanks for the creepingly quick response! I’ve already gone through some of the kangaroo examples but I really don’t know what I’m looking for and how to approach this.

Maybe some tips on this? :slight_smile:

And let’s also add here I’m using Rhino 6, GH 1 and Kangaroo 2 (if I must).

Did you go through the exact examples I just linked to? They should get you going with form finding of tensile structures. If not, do that and come back with more explicit questions.

Generally speaking you have six stages:

  1. Defining the overall topology of your membrane surface (use a list of mesh faces or polylines).
  2. Meshing/subdividing this macro topology (use Weaverbird or the components that come with Kangaroo).
  3. Defining spatial constraints i.e. points/curves etc you want to “lock” down or “pull” to.
  4. Defining Kangaroo Goals (see the example files).
  5. Solve the goals (using one of the Kangaroo solvers).
  6. Extract the output geometry and send downstream to eg analysis, fabrication.

This old video might help to visualise such pipelines:

Note that this is an old video using Kangaroo1, but the base principles/workflow is the same with Kangaroo2.

Also note that you could define your input topology/geometry in many other ways (using MeshMachine and what have you).


I did go through the exact examples earlier.

Thanks to your explanation and video I think I got the idea! :slight_smile:

I’ll report back once I’ve succeeded in something or explicit questions which someone can answer.

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Kudos to you Anders :slight_smile:

I’m getting there:

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Whooo, that was fast! Looking awesome already :clap:

duuude I didn’t know rhino had integrated remote control panel :scream::scream:

It made its triumphant return quite a while ago now:

Some wishes and feedback on the RCP for GH2 going on over here: