H6 | Bateleur HVT Concept

Wrapping up a concept design project for a private client, the Bateleur HVT concept. It’s built off of a previous iteration drawing inspirations such as the Ferrari Roma, Ferrari SP2 and the Mercedes AMG GT6. Still working through various colorways and accessory details for the car, but this is the base concept.

Early ideation in Blender and Designed in Rhino 8.


That’s a mightly long nose, but looks great!

What does HTV stand for?

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Haha thanks. “Hydrogen Vectoring Technology”.

In concept it studies going from hydrogen to other sources of natural fuel. What we call an “Omni fuel” car.

And “doh” I just realized I made a typo in the title. Should be “HVT”

If you are unable to change the typo in the title I can do that.

If you could that would be awesome. Thanks Nathan!


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Thanks Nathan!

Nice work ^^


Thanks Masew!
Bateleur HVT “Blue” Concept https://www.behance.net/gallery/198913043/Bateleur-HVT-Blue

Modeled in Rhino 8


reimagined in red


very nice concept, renderings, interieur, but what does


stand for?

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HVT “Hydrogen Vectoring Technology”. Basically a multi-fuel concept with a hydrogen basis.

interesting, but meant the tag


i keep seeing this recently

oh sorry. I misunderstood. I dont know honestly. That one has been added to my posts after I publish. Im curious myself.

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@theoutside can you maybe elaborate what wow stands for in the tags?

we use it internally for tagging pieces that we promote to the banner

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good to know! Thanks Kyle!

One other thing to note, if you post a series of images and your post gets promoted to the banner, only the first image in the series in the 1st post of the thread actually gets sent to the banner. It’s a limitation of how Discourse allows this function to work.

TLDR: post the image you are most proud of 1st in the series at the very top of the thread.

if you change your mind and want a new image to the be the “best” one, edit your post and rearrange the images to put the best one at the very top of the 1st entry in the thread.


Very helpful. I kind of figured what comes first is usually the “title shot” and good to see that’s what actually happens. I try to think of images that not only helps the project but helps the Rhino community :slight_smile: