Hello, I’ve trying to work with the new rhino 8, and it seems to have a slower gumball reaction.
1st issue: When you have to scale an object with the gumball you have to wait to see the scale factor, its something stressfull when you are using the same scale factor for diferent objects.
2nd issue: I have seen that the control + left click to move the gumball doesnt work very well, i know the new form to move it with the double click, but it was very fast.
3rd issue: I would like to keep the gumball position when you are working, somteimes when you change the perspective point or something it allways reset.
Thank you
Hi Pablo -
Can you give more detailed steps and gumball settings to reprpduce this?
RH-79195 Gumball - slight delay
I’ve also noticed strange behavior when you set the gumball to “align by object”. The workaround is to just set the CPlane to the object and align per CPlane but it is a bug none the less.
Hello- if you can post an example, that would be helpful - I can’t tell what we are looking for yet.
I’m pretty certain it will just do it. I doubt my Rhino’s unique. For example: Aligning the Gumball (by object) to a plane but the Gumball will be skewed.