Gumball gets invisible


when I move the cursor over the Gumball it gets invisible in Rhino 6 Beta (6.0.17355.10131, 21.12.2017). Here me Systeminformation: systeminfo.txt (1.4 KB)




P.S.: Also I’ve found, that the selection windows are not shown.

Your gpu driver seems a bit old, maybe an update can help.

Hi @Toshiaki_Takano,

I will try this again, and report.



Hi @Toshiaki_Takano,

happy new year to all.

I have updated the driver, to the latest one (system.txt (1.6 KB)

I’ve found that the Gumball vanishing disappears, when I switch antialising on in the driver. But after a reboot, I get my slowness problem again (see here), so I have to switch off antialiasing. Now I am in a vicious circle, slowness or vanishing Gumball.

I don’t get this Intel driver problem fixed here, so now I switch OpenGL.UserHardwareDriver off. This seams to work for now.



sorry the update didn’t work…
Currently I’m running on geforce so not sure what my intel will do…
Tho, recently I get some choppy viewport, wondering if some windows os update is causing this stuff…