Grid, attractors and extrusions


I’ve been working through this old post below with an really useful answer by Hyungsoo Kim.

I’m struggling with the last step of the definition. The flip of the data tree doesn’t seem to work to return the perpendicular interpolated curves. It seems this is just highlighting my lack of knowledge when dealing with data trees but the tutorials I have seen haven’t help with this particular issue.

Latice & (34.8 KB)

Could some help me find where my mistake is coming from?

Thanks in advance,

The structure of your Data tree is wrong for this step.
Shift Path to make it a 2D matrix.


Thanks a lot for your answer Quan and the link to David’s mini explanation, data trees is a definitely a grey area in my knowledge of grasshopper so the explanation does not make much sense for me at the moment.

I’m going through some tutorials right now to try and solve this. I’ll get back to you if I manage to unlock myself… or not.

Hope you don’t get discouraged, just think of this as Windows or Mac folder&data. You put data inside a folder, so inevitably the data gets its path.
As for Flip Matrix, think of this as an Excel data sheet. Exchanging this yellow row with the red column is what you are doing.

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Thanks for the well wishes =). Found this tutorial that seems to explain quite clearly the concepts of data management:

It’s definitely one of the hardest concepts to wrap my head around. Will crack it soon thought!

Just FYI, your data is split into two main branches, because you have two inputs for your Rectangular Grid Sx (600 and -600). If you change your definition, so you only have one, Flip Matrix should work.

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