Grease pencil tool (like in Blender...)

It is a native command yes, at least since Rhino 5.

Macroing should work yes. And you can also sketch on surface or mesh.

awesome! thank you!


I actually picked this up again last year, I should be releasing it as a plugin within the next couple of weeks! Will have the ability to erase, sample colour, and ‘bake’ the drawing

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oh! can’t wait! that is aweeom!

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I’ve released it!

There is a trial available here. Hope you get good use out of it


awesome work! was checking out food4rhino and saw that you released it, i’m going to play around with it today. thank you!

how do i register it after purchase?

nvm, i found it in Options. :slight_smile:

good luck with this! there’s definitely a need for it!

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This looks great. How does your licensing work? Can I buy/manage one multi-user license and add the number of seats we need?



@Alasdair ok, i dont want to spoil it, but somebody has to ask :smiley:
will it be available for mac?

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Hello Alasdair!
Trying Crayon… cool plugin, thanks! Here’s some feedback:

  • The ‘crayonBrush’ command should be cancel-able with ESC (not just with SPACE). Just to keep the Rhino standard.

  • The shortcut to constrain the stroke to an axis is hold-SHIFT-LMB (left mouse button). However, that easily collides with the shortcut for straight lines: SHIFT-LMB. In other words: when I want to draw a line along x, I need to start drawing a stroke, and THEN hold shift. When shift is pressed too early, a straight line from the last location is drawn by mistake. Better use another keyshort for that feature?

  • When a stroke is constrained to e.g. z-axis, it looks correct from the perspective it was drawn:

However, when rotating the view it turns out that it’s kind of an optical illusion - the strokes were placed on the cplane (or view, or surface):

Wouldn’t it be better if the storkes were drawn in space in the actual axis direction? That way, a real 3d-‘wireframe’ could be sketched.
I can’t test the ‘bake’ feature, since it does not work in the trial, but I suppose it turns strokes into curves, right? If those curves would be fully 3-dimensional, it would be perfect!
Or am I doing something wrong?

  • If the projection mode was ‘Surface’, and an axis-constrained stroke was drawn starting at a surface like so:

… I’d find it more useful if the stroke ‘stuck’ out of the surface like the yellow line in this screenshot

Thank you!
Best regards

Hi Gustavo, I will be adding options at checkout for volume licensing very soon. In the meantime can you contact with the number of seats you’re after?

Thanks for your interest.

will it be available for mac?

No plans yet unfortunately!

Absolutley, I will add that in the next update.

Yes that sometimes happens - with some practice it happens less. I might add a toggle that enables/disables ortho mode.

That is a feature I’m looking into, so that a 3d-wireframe can be sketched :slight_smile:
In the mean time there is a toggle in the settings to disable Z snap, which avoids that strange projection issue.


Combined with the Grasshopper plugin, draw on surface, dynamic depth, and piping the strokes you can sort of do it.

That will be solved once I add the previously mentioned feature.

Thanks for your interest!

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This looks great, can’t wait to give it a shot. It’s a feature that has been missing from Rhino for us and looks like you are taking it to another level. Thank you for making it available!


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A short test run on my Huion drawing surface was quite nice.

This would be even nicer if we had access to pen data as well, like pressure and tilt, so you could vary the line along the stroke.

Not sure if this data access is something we need to add and expose in Rhino, though.


Nathan, does the Windows Ink stack have all this data? or Do you have to build your own libraries for it? …Or maybe you want to build your own regardless so it works in all platforms?

From a cursory read Windws Ink is for UWP (Universal Windows Platform) applications, Rhino is not that.

But I’m sure with some work we could find out all the related events and handle them.


I was more thinking of using Wintab along the lines of how Blender does this:

Pressure and tilt info gets parsed here. Sculpting and drawing in Blender with a pen is very, very nice.

you should port Rhino to that platform too!

(…I’ll walk myself out)