Hello Friends,
Well Rhino is the friend of last 15 years. Happy new Year ! Wish every one very happy 2019. I hope every one’s life is blessed with lots of code, brilliant data structure and many many AI tools ! so we will not be working but AI tools will work for us. and we will just chill and walk around, good for nothing.
I am mostly developing Rhino 6 Plugins and Grasshopper Rhino 6 Plugins recent days when working with Rhino.
But for an old project I do not want to migrate to Rhino 6.
So I need to compile a small GH plug for Rhino 5. But when using Rhino 5 grasshopper plugin wizards.
it is giving error.
System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
It is not creating any plugin. Any idea ? I am using Visual studio 2015 for Rhino 5.
Looks like, nobody is happy with my wishes for new year. Hmmmm. No problem.
I could solve the problem though. . One of my old laptop has setup which is working with VS 2013 and GH5. It is slow, but it’s ok to use it for one extra plugin. Do not want to waste time on older version. Bye now! Have a good day and happy coding! Recently very busy with unreal Engine
I wish you a happy new year as well Sometimes people just don‘t know whats the issue. Such errors are hard to replicate and could be triggered by anything. The problem with null errors is that they occur on completely different places as their place of creation. The existence of Nulls are highly controversial in computer science.
Hi Tom, thanks for the reply:). Thanks for the wish.
OK, understood. I stopped digging it, and just moved to vs 2013, it works perfect.
That null reference was occurring in vs 2015.
I feel Rhino 5 was better in some cases. Rhino 5 was more stable.
Though I am working in Rhino 6 as every development is moving towards Rhino 6. So we all have to move forward