Grasshopper Rhino create Annotation Styles with colored capsules

I’m not sure if this is related to another annotations bug but I fail to create multiple annotation styles with text styles. I want capsules with colors but none of that is being created.

I know how to set it up manually in Rhino. (17.4 KB)

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hi Martin,

I saw this not working in a build from 1-12 but in today’s builds the above works as expected. This means this should be fixed in the next SR

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I have created a YT (RH-83504) for this issue.

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Thanks Andy.

RH-83504 should be fixed in the next public release of Rhino 8.12 (which is scheduled to be released on Sept. 10th). Let me know if you need to test this on a dujour build prior to that date.

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Thanks. I can wait for the official release.

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I am using the annotation styles in Grasshopper to create diagrams for the first time. Seems like good timing that I started in 8.12

So is it correct that the text color of the annotations are solely coming from the layer material, so either from the custom preview material and when you bake it from the layer color?

I also noticed that the text size needs to be set extremely small (<0.1) to be correct in the viewport. When I then bake them, they are of course absolutely tiny in the rhino viewport.

Any tips how to get them to be the same size when baked?

Here you can see the size difference between the preview and the pushed text:

EDIT: Found the reason for the size difference. My default annotation style was set to Model Scale 30.0. I set it to 1 and now the scale values are correct.