Grasshopper Parametric GRC Panel

Hi everyone!
I designing GRC panel. There are two rails and one section.
Rails: Changeable
Panel sides (Left and Right): Changeable (Different angles. Angle starts from the reference line(10mm Line. At the top view > Bottom corners (in blue circles) )
At the top view > Bottom corners (Blue circles): Aligned horisontal.
I want to change “Sweep Rail 2” value and Sides (side 1, side2) angles.
In this way I want to get a different panel.
But how?Soru_Paribas1.3dm (218.3 KB)

E Pozlu Paneller_HAKAN (10.4 KB) E Pozlu Paneller_HAKAN YAZICI_15012020.3dm (160.5 KB)

Here is the panel. I’m trying to make

I don’t have time to figure out the details of what you want but maybe this will help you get started?
Curves are internalized, no need for Rhino file. Working so far from the origin is not recommended. (7.2 KB)

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