Grasshopper Panel Structure Algorithm Help

Hi there, hope you can help a grasshopper novice - I have been modelling a series of Panel-type structures created from a set of folded surfaces, which represent a (scaled-down) version of sub-structures through cladding rails, panel profiles, bracing and cladding battens. I have been modelling this directly in Rhino, however wanted to try and create a script in Grasshopper that could generate these structure automatically.

I’ve attached both the Rhino (via OneDrive Link) and Grasshopper file I’ve been working on, with an example structure of how this has been modelled ‘manually’ and what I’m trying to achieve. Essentially, I’m looking to run a series of twin 200x100mm rails at 5m centres then with 100x50mm profile & bracing elements for each triangulated panel and 50x25mm battens at 400mm centres on each panel. I understand that this is quite complex and not sure if it can be achieved (not if my first attempts at trying to code this are in the right direction), but would appreciate any advice or pointers in the right direction on how to approach this. Thanks! (19.8 KB)