Grasshopper for Mac - One year on

A Minor Change

In the latest RhinoWIP, Grasshopper is now Grasshopper…it is no longer code-named ExplicitHistory. Just type the Grasshopper command; the splash screen should look familiar…

(Explicit) History

One year ago, we added the early beta of Grasshopper for Mac to the RhinoWIP. We used the original name for Grasshopper - ExplicitHistory - as a bit of a joke, but also to help calibrate expectations. It was very early in development and we had only just become “confident enough” that it was possible to port Grasshopper to macOS…but we wanted to convey that this was not yet Grasshopper. (For those of you who know McNeel, you should by now be used to long beta periods; but you should also know that we don’t keep secrets well).

Over the past year, development has been going well. It’s now possible to…

  • Write C# and Python components
  • Use many community-authored components
  • Run Galapagos solvers

…as well as open and run most any definition.

Going forward

Make no mistake, Grasshopper for Mac is still very much in beta (as is Grasshopper for Windows, for those paying close attention). There is still much to be done…

Thanks to all those who have been testing and submitting bug reports! Please keep it up, we appreciate it.

Happy New Year!


Has it been a year already… time flies. I noticed the strong white text is missing from the banner, only the blurry “Grasshopper” pixels are there. But they are only supposed to be a glow effect. This stuff is drawn at runtime using code.

Hmmmm. Bugs bugs. We’ll have to fix that. Logged as RH-37362.

I can’t seem to launch the Grasshopper… do I need to install something additional?

i think its because you serial number is distorted :wink:
by the way i can read Commercial at least i assume :smiley:

ok back to serious, it sounds strange indeed
maybe @dan can have a look

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Hi @Joe2-

That is odd. I can see that you validated your license successfully. Can you please Quit and restart the RhinoWIP?

Does that help?

Yes, restarting the RhinoWIP enabled all the Grasshopper commands. Thanks!

@RichardZ thanks for the Monday morning laugh :smiley:

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