Grasshopper C# component error: "source file Y could not be found"

When simply adding “Print(x.ToString());” in the RunScript function, I get an error. Basically, the C# component won’t work whatever I put in the RunScript function. See this image for the error:

It appears to be trying to write the component script to the C:\Windows folder, which cannot succeed (no admin rights), then reads the assembly again. I guess it should actually try to write to a different folder.

Anyone familiar with this issue? When working on another PC, I don’t get the error. So I think it must be some setting (maybe even in the installed .NET framework?) that should be changed? If anyone can shed some light on what’s going on, thanks!

Declare your collection as List/DataTree of Type string and then (case List):

foreach(string s in sList) Print(s);