Grasshopper Breakpoint - Object Expired for ALL Objects


My simple Grasshopper script keeps crashing on startup, with a “grasshopper breakpoint-- object expired” message for each component in the script.

A sampling:

All of the components in my script are very basic Grasshopper components; I didn’t edit them.

It’s not a CPU or RAM issue; my computer is using 4% CPU and 50% memory during startup of the plugin.

My file does look a little odd in File Explorer (no icon):

Does anyone know what the issue could be, and how I can recover the file?

Thank you!

Can you post your GH and Rhino files please?

Yes, absolutely!

Goblet Grasshopper.3dm (41.3 KB)
Goblet (39.6 KB)


I see no errors, the first two groups appear to work fine:


I would hardly call this a simple file though:

The third group fails because I don’t have the plugins. It works when I bypass the two white boxes.

Oh, I guess my scripts tend to be very complicated then. (This has 2% the number of components than my average.) Probably a sign that I should be more parsimonious.

Weird, do you know why my computer would give me the breakpoint messages, and not yours?

I did manage to get it open after ignoring all the messages, but it is really weirdly slow-- just reconnecting an identical component makes it freeze for over a minute.

Thank you!!

Before opening the file you can right-click the canvas and ‘Lock Solver’. Then open the file and disable the third group (just a hunch) before enabling the solver again. Then systematically enable components until you get the errors again.

You have three copies of what appears to be mostly the same script, except for the geometry inputs and some differences at the end of each group.

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Yeah, those three groups were just iterations for three different possible input cases. I am actually planning to go with the third one, since it can deal with both continuous and discontinuous input curves.

Then open the file and disable the third group (just a hunch) before enabling the solver again.

I would like to just use the third one (I already disabled the first two), though I know it is more computationally heavy. But I don’t think that’s enough to explain the unworkable slowness; I’ve dealt with much more computationally heavy scripts before with no issues.

All three groups work fine for me, since I don’t have the plugins. That should be a clue, eh.

The curve Rebuild at the beginning makes the computation of the loft utterly complex, and the final Offset Surface takes 45 seconds to complete.

I’d suggest filleting the curves instead for a similar result.


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