Grasshopper 500 internal server issue

hi everyone, does anyone have an idea why this may be happening? running a rhino/grasshopper script locally through rhino compute. the meta data for the script appears and changes in the console as I change the sliders (blue) but I am getting error (red) so I cannot see the GH meshes. the VS code points to line 56

Is it possible to upload a simplified example? Have you tried using Hops with your file just to see if the Mesh comes over in that context?

I don’t have a simplified example ready quickly. in the meantime however, I tested with hops and it does work with compute.geometry.exe running locally

not sure if these images help at all

Since the data came back to Hops and works well in that context, then I think it’s safe to say that Rhino.Compute isn’t the issue. My guess is that there’s something going on between Rhino.Compute and your Node.js server (I’m assuming you’re using the AppServer)? Without really seeing your code, it’s hard to help troubleshoot. Maybe @fraguada might have a suggestion?

Hi all, you are correct - geometry was always there, so not an issue with rhino.compute. Still throws an error but can see the geometry.

The issue ended up being viewer window styling, which at some point was changed.
Appreciate the help anyways!

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