Grassgopper Crash when drawing wires

Hi All,

since the morning, I am experiencing problems whenever using Grasshopper. I am allowed to create components, but as soon as I try to draw a wire between two components, Grasshopper crashes returning the error message below:

Here the specification of my setup:
Rhino 6 SR11
Intel Core i7-6700HQ
Windows 10 Home 64bit
Nvidia GTX960

Attached the DotNet crash report.
RhinoDotNetCrash.txt (783 Bytes)

Could you de-install all plugins and try again…BezierF shouldn’t fail unless someone doing hoax with it.

I just realized that the problem is originated by Fologram. If I unload it from the Rhino Plugins manager, everything works fine.
I already contacted the Fologram team to understand where does the problem comes from.

I do have an idea. :slight_smile: They might override wire drawing styles, but don’t know what they are doing, maybe.

Problem was created by multiple versions of Fologram being present on my system. Deleting the folder C:\Users<you>\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\6.0\Plug-ins\Fologram (xx-xx-xx) solved the issue.

This issue appears to be caused when a third party plugin (not Fologram or McNeel) is distributing old versions of GH_IO.dll, GH_Util.dll and RhinoCommon.dll. This results in other plugins referencing the old libraries too, which results in attempts to call missing methods that were implemented in later service releases.

In one found case a plugin called CAALA was responsible, which was erroneously distributing RhinoCommon SR5 and the GH dlls from the time.

Both the plugins (the third party plugin as well as Fologram) will be able to work as long as the erroneously installed files are removed - typically from %appdata%/Grasshopper/Libraries.

If you do find a developer which is distributing these files, please notify them that they shouldn’t be so these conflicts don’t occur.

@DavidRutten this is a bit of a fringe case so might not be worth the effort, but is it possible to add a check for copies of the Grasshopper dlls to avoid erroneous distribution? Similar to the way Rhino checks for duplicates of RhinoCommon.dll and notifies the developer.

I think we do check in a few places already whether this is going on, sounds like we need to increase our detection rate. I’ll put it on the list of things for our install/SDK people to look at.