I have gashopper files using Human UI that worked fine in Rhino 7 and the trial version of Rhino 8 but with the latest Rhino 8 update the window is no longer opening. I can see it opening and close.
When I open the file in Grashopper I see the window and everything seems to work.
I assume this will mean HumanUI will need to be recompiled under .NETCore - @andheum is no longer looking after the project, however there have been others doing updates from time to time:
Use the SetDotNetRuntime command and switch from Runtime=NETCore to Runtime=NETFramework.
Built-in functions should be fine, but there’s always the possibility of updated plug-ins no longer working. You can make a copy of the Rhino 8 icon on the desktop and add the /netfx flag to the path in its Target attribute so that you can launch Rhino with the required runtime if you are running into issues with plug-ins.