Graphic settings

I made last year some graphic instructions and I changed settings at least from the display mode settings. I don’t remember all the changes I made.
Now when I open it, it looks correct.

If I go home to work with my laptop, how to make sure all the display setting will be the same?
Does it save or can I save it somehow in to the file?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi Wagner -

Display mode settings are application settings and are not saved in a 3dm file. When you customize display modes, create a copy of a factory-default mode and modify the copy. From the Rhino Options -> View -> Display Modes page, you can both export and import display modes so that you can keep a back-up or share the mode with others / on other machines.

you can also use OptionsExport and Import to get all or parts of your settings into other computers.

Thank you for yor help!
Awesome customer support :slight_smile: