Here’s a circle packing on a sphere in the current Kangaroo: (9.9 KB)
It’s still not clear to me exactly what you are after though.
Is this literally for a rendering of a golf ball? or you want to actually make a golf ball? or is it a more general question for some other application, and if so what?
If the requirement is to have a distribution of points (or dimple centres) on a sphere, all at exactly the same distance from their neighbours, then this is only possible for 4,6,8,12 or 20 points (ie the vertices of the 5 Platonic solids).
If instead you only want approximately equal distances, there are many possible options depending on exactly how you define the problem.
If you want something symmetrical and regular looking, and don’t need to be able to choose arbitrary numbers of points, I think subdividing an icosahedron using Weaverbird is the easiest way to do this in Grasshopper, like what @HS_Kim showed above.