You can look for discussions of both sphere packing and circle packing, since to generate a circle packing on a curved surface, we typically first generate a sphere packing with the sphere centers on the surface, then generate circles at these points in the tangent plane to the surface.
Hi @Ersin_S
On a closed surface is actually simpler than on an open one, since we don’t need to apply any special behaviour for boundaries.
For the target surface we want it as a mesh for the circle packing, so no need to go through the conversion to NURBS
[image] (105.9 KB)
Here’s an example with same sized circles, packing on one half, with some kept on the symmetry plane:
[image] (33.7 KB)
You do have to set how many will be on the symmetry plane, and it can be a little bit of trial and error to find what works well for the number and radius of circles you have. I also find that to get a better arrangement it helps to move the radius slider up and down a bit, to encourage them to jiggle into a lower energy state. You could also use the Gra…
Here’s a circle packing on a sphere in the current Kangaroo: (9.9 KB)
It’s still not clear to me exactly what you are after though.
Is this literally for a rendering of a golf ball? or you want to actually make a golf ball? or is it a more general question for some other application, and if so what?
If the requirement is to have a distribution of points (or dimple centres) on a sphere, all at exactly the same distance from their neighbours, then this is only po…