GLB Import unsuccessful

Hi, I recently purchased a large 3D model of my local area with aerial imagery as the texture. The file consisted of numerous folders and within each folder were loads of GLB format files. I assume each of these GLB files is a small part of the larger model. I tried importing one of the files into Rhino but nothing happened. I then tried importing into Blender and got this response: Extension KHR_texture_basisu is not available on this addon version. I assume this is also the reason why Rhino is not recognising the file but if anyone could confirm that would be very helpful. I am trying to get the company to resend the file in a different format but they are being very uncooperative so trying to find an alternative solution. I have attached the file I am trying to import.
31123013302021.glb (187.3 KB)

I was able to view the file by uploading here

Validation report

  • Format: glTF 2.0
  • Generator: ClientFormatEncoding
  • Stats:
    • 1 draw calls
    • 0 animations
    • 1 materials
    • 21492 vertices
    • 9765 triangles
  • Extensions:
    • KHR_texture_basisu
    • KHR_draco_mesh_compressionNOTE: Extensions above are present in the model, but may or may not be recognized by this viewer. Any “UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION” warnings below refer only to extensions that could not be scanned by the validation suite, and may still have rendered correctly. See: three-gltf-viewer#122.

Report generated byKhronosGroup/glTF-Validator 2.0.0-dev.3.9.

Warning Message Pointer
VALUE_NOT_IN_LIST Invalid value ‘image/ktx2’. Valid values are (‘image/jpeg’, ‘image/png’). /images/0/mimeType
IMAGE_UNRECOGNIZED_FORMAT Image format not recognized. /images/0
Info Message Pointer
UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION Cannot validate an extension as it is not supported by the validator: ‘KHR_texture_basisu’. /extensionsUsed/0
UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION Cannot validate an extension as it is not supported by the validator: ‘KHR_draco_mesh_compression’. /extensionsUsed/1
UNUSED_OBJECT This object may be unused. /bufferViews/1
UNUSED_OBJECT This object may be unused. /images/0
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Hi Louis -

I’ve put this on the list for a closer look.
→ RH-83710 File IO: Error Importing GLB

Yes, that is why it’s not importing into Rhino. The base glTF specification only allows for images to be encoded as PNG or JPEG. When using the KHR_texture_basisu extension images can also be encoded as KTX2 compressed images. KTX2 is a format I’ve never heard of until I looked into this bug. As far as I can tell the format is specially designed to be compressed on and streamed directly to the graphics card. I don’t think we’ll support reading those images anytime soon. We should still be able to handle this and read in what we can.

I imagine for your use case the textures are quite important. I would ask whoever you bought the 3D models from if they have a different version with the images for the textures encoded differently.

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Thanks Joshua,

Yes they have gotten back to me and agreed this is an issue that needs to be fixed on their end. Thanks for looking into it.

RH-83710 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 12