Ghpythonlib not working in current WIP Rhino 6?

For anyone that runs into this issue, I have found a reasonable solution. This may apply to you if you use custom python components in dynamo and grasshopper. This solution works as of Revit 2018.1 and Rhino WIP (6.0.17269.9391, 9/26/2017).

Grasshopper IronPython version on our workstations is 2.7.5
-If your firm deploys AutoDesk Suites as “Custom Deployments” that include Revit/Dynamo, it seems that it will install IronPython 2.7.3. (this does not seem to be the case for individual users on subscription).
-Manually uninstall 2.7.3.
At this time, your Grasshopper Python component error will be resolved, but python components in Dynamo will break.

Manually install 2.7.4 (
_This seems to resolve the issue! I have not tested with any other versions, but as of now, this seems to be a stable solution.