Ghost impossible to select

hello!!! that ghost appear I don’t know when, in the process of buiding a complicated scene, but now it is here, impissible to select, and, by the fact, impossible to delete>… But when all the meshes are exported to c4d for render, it follows, and is visible on the render… How to destroy-delete-hide that thing???

Hello - is the object locked? If so, Unlock should sort it out. If you have blocks in the scene, please try CleatAllMeshes and see if that helps.


unfortunely, it is not locked… I thing it’s a sort of “bug” which appear at one moment… I don’t use bloks…mmmm…

Hello - please post the file or send to


rhino-ghost.3dm (7.3 MB)
here is the file (I have deleted most of rhe items, to be lighter… To see the problematic item, it’s necessary to roll the mouse, as some sizes in the widow make it impossible to see, and when slightly going close or far, it appears and you see it in light grey… But it is not a bug of the video card, as it is imported for rendering!! thank you to have a look!!!

Hello - that is a bad object - use SelBadObjects and then UntrimAll.


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