GH PlugIn Version?

How can i be sure that the version of a plugin in GH is the last version???

is it normal that i have 3 opennest solvers in grasshopper settings?

is it normal:

what is the “gestionnaire de packs”?

Hi -

That is the “Package Manager” - a way for users to install plug-ins that the developer specifically made available through that tool. Previously, you’d have to download from Food4Rhino and make sure that you extract files in the correct folder. The Package Manager takes care of all that and also shows you if there are newer versions available for plug-ins that you have installed.

I believe that was “normal” in an older release. I’m not certain when that was fixed. Which version of Rhino are you running?

Possibly not. @Petras_Vestartas would know for sure.

I think this happens because Yak, does not delete last version of plugin once you install new one. Instead Rhino loads only the newest one by newest assembly version. For sure you can delete old version manually.

Maybe it would be nice option for Package manager to delete previous versions of plugins @will as additional option?

Thank you… But where can I find the good procedure to install a gh plugin?

Hi - there is no single way for all plug-ins. It depends on the plug-in.

I would say food4rhino download ensures that you have latest version.

And if developers push latest files to yak, then package manager also works. I think for developers we still need to get used to that.

@wim once I upload a new plugin version to food4rhino can I push new version to yak or the only way is to push files through command line as described in mcneel website?

What is yak?

Hi -

That’s the older name for “Package Manager”.

@onlyforpeace can you try running this grasshopper file which will display the locations of loaded plug-ins and copy/paste the output here? (11.7 KB)

Given that the “installed” (Installé) tab of the Package Manager is empty, I’d guess that these OpenNest was installed manually. Grasshopper shouldn’t be loading more than one version of the same plug-in so it would be good to figure out what’s going on here and where these OpenNests are coming from!

@Petras_Vestartas Rhino and Grasshopper should only ever load plug-ins from the current (i.e. most recently installed) version of a package. It isn’t usually possible to remove the old version at the time that a new one is installed (files in the package may be in use) so we don’t try. All versions are cleaned up when the package is uninstalled.

Yes, you can upload to F4R first, and then publish to the package server via F4R.

Since you’ve already published a package, you may need to get in touch with the F4R team to set up the link.


Thanks for replies @will .

Do I need to contact food4rhino team every time a new package is uploaded since I already uploaded several times packages to yak? Or just once?

Honestly, I can do it two times, manually uploading to food4rhino and pushing packages via command-line. Just want to be sure if I can do both steps at once.

As I understand it, the manual linking only needs to be done once per F4R app, and only when the package already exists. You’d still need to hit the button to push to the package server after uploading a new version to F4R – it isn’t automatic.

Update: see Fran’s post below for a much better description of the current state of Yak-F4R syncing.

Thanks, i ll contact f4r to connect both platforms.

@Petras_Vestartas There are 2 ways to synchronize an app in both F4R and the Package Manager/Yak, one for people that know how (or prefer) to use the Package Manager command line tools to update the app, and the other if you prefer to command the change in F4R to simplify the use of the package manager.

  1. If you update your app in Package Manager: In F4R you select the option “Create App from Yak” to create the new app, and just enter the package name (and some description and images of course). F4R will always show the current package version once you update it in the Package Manager.
    (if you already have an app created in Food4Rhino, we can connect it to your package without having to delete it and create a new app)

  2. If you update your app in F4R: Use “push to yak” to update the package every time you upload a new version of your app in F4R to have them synced.

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Dear @fran ,

Thank you for the reply.

Is it possible to use 1st option?
Could you connect these two accounts with PackagerManager and Food4Rhino?

I would like to connect PackageManager to F4R. If I undersood correctly, I will just need to use yak and both PM and F4R will be updated. Last week I updated both plugins on yak and food4rhino separately, and for the next time I would like to user PackagerManager to do both steps.

I also wish there was some sort of “What’s new” log associated to each version.
Food4Rhino was kind of messy, but at least, there was some information.

Dear @Petras_Vestartas
Both Ngon and OpenNest are now linked to your Yak packages.
As Yak does not make any difference between Grasshopper and Rhino Apps, NGon now shows as a Rhino App as well in food4Rhino. We are working on fixing this.

Thank you.

Once I upload a new package is it enough to press “Yank”?

If you want to update your package, you need to update it in Yak and it will automatically get updated in food4Rhino

If you would prefer to manage your App only from food4Rhino without having to go through the command line, you will need to delete your package from Yak, then add the .rhp, .gha, or .ghpy file in food4Rhino and then push the file to Yak. Then, in order to make an update, Yank, add another file, Push.

I will use command line, it is simpler for me.

So I would just need to update YAK package and new version will automatically appear on food4rhino?