I have an old plugin that was uploaded to food4rhino before PackageManager existed. I just created and pushed to the PackageManager the new version using Yak, but now I cannot find a way to link this package to my plugin food4rhino page without deleting it and republishing.
How could I add the yak package to the current f4r page?
Hi @Marcio_de_Souza, I’ve scooted your post over to the F4R section. I think that when you have an existing F4R app and package then you’ll need a little manual intervention from the F4R team.
Somme plugins can’t be installed through the package manager due to some limitations. Maybe Pufferfish and Anemone are in this case. The best is to ask directly to their developers
The Author of Pufferfish has actually commented last week on that Food4Rhino page that he is having issues with uploading to the Package Manager.
Considering the popularity of these two plugins and how effective the Package Manager now is could McNeel touch base with the developer to see if some help is needed? Similar to what you did above?