GH multi-save none responsive [V7 Mac]

Each time when closing Rhino and GH, without saving the GH file, I get this non-responsive

save option.
Force Quit, is the only option, as it won’t close and won’t save and is preventing Rhino shutdown.

Rhino version 7.2.20343.11012, 2020-12-08.

thanks a lot

Hi Akash-

Thanks for reporting this.

Hrmmm. I’m having trouble reproducing this one here. I’m attempting it in a slightly newer daily build (Version 7 - 7.2.20364.17002, 2020-12-29) so perhaps we’ve already “oops, we fixed it.” However, I want to make sure that I’m testing the same steps you are …they seem obvious…

  1. Launch Rhino 7 and start a new modeling window.
  2. Run Grasshopper, start a new definition and add a Pt component to the canvas.
  3. Press Command+Q to Quit Rhino and Grasshopper.
  4. The Grasshopper multi-save dialog appears (the one in your post above). Click Close.

Rhino and Grasshopper close for me as expected. What are we doing differently?

I’m running macOS Big Sur 11.1, btw.

Hi Dan, thanks
It is closing fine today, maybe there was something else in there that got it bugged…? I’ll report if it happens again, [didn’t have time to open GH this last week, so just checked it now]

with best regards

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Thanks! I’m glad you’re keeping an eye out.

Hi @dan
multi save does not work here R8 [latest release candidate ]. [when you have a few GH files open, and you try to quit Rhino.
I had to force quit to close Rhino.

this is a very old issue on GH Mac.


Hi @Akash -

I can’t reproduce this one either. Here are the steps I’m taking…

  1. Launch Rhino 8 for Mac (8.2.23346.13002 used here) and start a new modeling window.
  2. Run Grasshopper, start a new definition and add a Pt component to the canvas.
  3. Press Command+N to start a new definition. Add a Panel to the canvas.
  4. Press Command+N to start a new definition. Add any component to the canvas.
  5. Press Command+Q to Quit Rhino and Grasshopper.
  6. The Grasshopper multi-save dialog appears.
  7. Clicked the Save button on each of the unsaved documents in turn.
  8. Click Close.

Everything works as expected. What are we doing differently?

not sure,
I Tried now and it closed fine… maybe it was related to rhino geometry not saved…?

maybe something else, as I had some very strange artifact in GH GH Canvas issue/bug

I’ll try to understand the steps if it happens again.


Great! If you can reproduce it on demand, we’ve got a shot at fixing it. Sounds more than just annoying.

Hey @Akash,

What you might be running into is when the Rhino model has changes, it asks if you want to save, delete, or cancel. For example, if you you go through @dan’s steps but in step 1a. you add a sphere to the model. If Grasshopper covers the Rhino window completely when you quit, you won’t see this window:

Sometimes I have to move the Grasshopper window so I can see that dialog and continue.

Hope this helps.

Thanks @curtisw
I’m in a set up where Gh is on the MBP display [full] , and R8 is on the iPad [12.9 2022] also in full.
But then it is possible that the dialogue you mentioned is still coming up behind GH
Yet I don’t believe it was the case since it would then do that annoying jumps of the rhino icon.

I believe it is related to what is showing in the link. When rhino is not on the main display , also side car sometimes gets stuck…

Ah, makes sense @Akash. Thinking about it again yes if you have that dialog visible then it should already past that point.

I’m still not sure what’s happening here though, it is quite strange. One thing to look at would be if any plugin might be involved.


While updating to today service release
I forgot to save a GH file,
and the last chance to save dialogue was again unresponsive.
Had to ForceQuit [this is during the update process so you see rhino quit and restart in the ForceQuite dialogue]

A few rhino documents open.
Click on update when the update dialogue appear .
Follow the prompt and review and save all the rhino files.
Click Update now.
GH save [last chance] dialogue appears.
GH save dialogue is unresponsive.
Force Quit Rhino is the only option.

Rhino Version 8 (8.4.24009.13522. is now current . so the bug happened on the last 8.3 SRC.

thanks Akash