What I want from the first picture, is to create the surfes on the edges of that structure and bend it to their normals(Hope that makes sense)
So for that I think I need to offset the edges and create surfaces out of them(I am totally open for suggestions)
I have looked for some plugins to be able to do that and came across Pufferfish, I couldn’t however do what I wanted to do and dont even know if pufferfish is the right one…
If you have any suggestions at all on how to do it, whether about the plugin or the method, I’d love to know
your have a problem that is ideal to mesh workflow. and luckily with grasshopper we have tons of extensions to create similar geometries. I can think of Weaverbird, ngon and Mesh+
What you want to do is start with a tri-mesh (so you garantee planarity).
Assuming for some reason your mesh is weridly dodgy there are a few checks you can put in place to make sure you get the right result. The worst case algorithm would look something like:
1. Offset the mesh outwards (there are multiple ways you could do this). The two meshes will have the same topology.
2. For every mesh face[i].
3. Get the mesh edges and get a polyline.
4. Offset the polyline on the plane -x and x units, keep the one with the smallest length.
5. For every edge[j]
6. Construct shape (A,B,C,D). Where A and B are the start and end of edge[j] on the original mesh and C and D are the points on the polyline that relate to the end and start and of edge[j] on the new mesh.
7. Draw the shape (loft, meshFace, Polyline whatever).