Getting Toolbar button images from V5 into V8 - simplest method?

As title. There was a topic related to this a while ago where somebody was creating vector button images and posting the results. I’m obvs not using the right search term(s) to find it.

There are 3 or 4 button images that I created in the V5 button editor a few years ago that I’d quite like to bring into V8.

Hi Matt - fairly shortly we’ll turn on the new toolbar system in V8 - at that point you will be able to link external toolbar files, like your v5 one, and use the buttons from it any place you like in your work space, along side the built in V8 ones.


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Sounds good.

Time for a few smiley-face placeholders for now then :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m still trying to find the thread about vectored graphics…