BUG: Rhino inside Revit failed to import geometry into family

I am having this issue of random geometries fail to be imported into Revit family.

Rebuilding surface can actually fix it. However there are large amount of geometry to be rebuild in the project and they are in blocks that we really don’t want to explode. For now we are exploding and rebuilding whatever is causing the issue, it takes considerable manual effort.

Please someone take a look at the files. The issue is reproducable on latest version of rhino8 sr11 + inside1.24 + revit2025


bug_report.zip (1.9 MB)

Hi Zhuliyi0,

There is a good case for a Geometry cleaner in Rhino, which we are doing to an extent when pushing incompatible geometry into Revit from Rhino. A cleaner in Rhino would need to be configurable to the users particular resolution needs.


Paging through your geometry with the Rhino View in Wireframe and the Grasshopper Preview set to wire frame as well you can see highlighted geometry that isn’t converting to Revit compatible geometry.

These are clear violations of geometry rules.

Using the SelBadObjects command in Rhino will highlight geometry not compatible with Rhino


very small objects like this need to be evaluated for what you are trying to show in Revit, it may require a different representation.

Hi Japhy, many thanks for your detailed reply! Yes a cleaner fixed most of issues of the project, very helpful. We are trying the ways in the docs to detect any bad geometry realtime.

I am a little confused about tolerence setting. The doc says “Ideally a Rhino model and a Revit model can be modeled to the same tolerance.” but then it suggests to use 1/10 of tolerance in Rhino compared to Revit. I thought “same tolerance” means Rhino should use 1 unit tolerance if unit is mm?