Hey guys. Things like metal show up in render view fine, but colored gems and colored glass always show as clear. Is there a setting I could tweak to fix that? You can see it in the screen shot. The perspective view is in “render view.” The material for the gem stone is “ruby.”
I have the same problem and it is very anoying. The solution is not a solution but an akward workaround and not acceptable IMHO. Rhino 8 has exact problem. Showing customers a near transparent stone in render viewport when it should have color is not good. Raytracing works but the second you move the model, the process starts all over again and takes tons of time.
I have created stylized materials that work (for me, at least).
This is the free version of the materials pack. And it has some problems (the Rhino5 materials are no good). But the Rhino7 materials should work fine. I don’t know if they work or not in Mac.
I also have a free jewelry cad kit I’m working on (windows only, no macs). The Rhino 8 version is not ready yet. But the Rhino6 and Rhino7 versions are working. It’s not the greatest thing, but it comes with the materials above and if you follow the installation guide, you can either load the materials via a toolbar or from the library panel in the side panel.
I also have a video for how to install the kit if you prefer that over reading the PDF
Eventually I hope to make a youtube tutorial on how to make these gem materials that work in Rendered mode. If you want to, you can subscribe to my youtube channel in case I ever get around to that.
If you’re already using something else (like grasshopper gold) probably best just to get my material pack.
To make gem materials that work in Rendered view, don’t set the material’s transparency to 100%. I get good results with values between 7% and 10%. These won’t look good in raytraced mode, however, just rendered mode.
I have a free jewelry materials pack and a free jewelry kit (it has the materials, gems, and some scripts) over at cg trader. I posted links to them earlier in this thread. In my kit and pack, it is the ‘stylized’ gem materials that work in rhino’s Rendered view. I’ve added an environment texture and done some other things to make them look extra nice.