Frontface and backface render colour

Good day.

I am trying to render in rhino 5. In render display mode I can set the backface and front face color separate and in this mode, the display is absolutely fine. When I render using Rhino Render I see that the back face has the same color as front face. How can I have separate color for frontface and backface when I render using Rhino Render, not in render display mode?
Thanks a lot in advance

Best regards


Rhino Render doesn’t have a material that allows for a front face versus back face material. I’d suggest making the surfaces a separate selection by either joining or grouping them. Then you can assign different materials.

Thank you Brian James, I didn’t know that Rhino Render didn’t have material with front and back face. Thanks for giving me some of your time.
Best regards

RH-51629 is fixed in the latest WIP