Forest Pack for Rhino (?)


I use Rhino+Vray for the whole process of my architectural designs and I’m very happy and efficient with those.
Anyway, when it comes to producing more “artistic” renderings, which include the integration of vegetation/rocks/natural elements I feel quite stuck.
Is there something similar to Forest Pack in 3ds or plugins to speed up these kinds of jobs?

Is it any good for archviz purposes?

combined with - it is very good.

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I’ve downloaded the Landscape Design trial plugin,it is really nice even though the plants do not achieve the standard of realism I wanted to reach…

Also in Development Rhino Nature, very promising

Already contact the guy!

Really looking forward for it!

In the meantime, other suggestion on where to find/get nice pieces of vegetation?

@clacortese just letting you know → Rhino Nature Released :wink:

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