The accumulation of teal flame objects on the large red chalice-shaped object was accomplished by cage editing, but I need to redo it and it seems a better and faster job can be done using FlowAlongSrf. The lower left pair of groups shows that I can flow the flame along a slice of a simple sphere. The lower right grouping shows that when I attempt to flow the flame along a slice of the complex chalice shape, Rhino maps to a simpler surface within the target surface. From what I understand, the only solution will be to sweep a curve along a couple of Section-created rails to rebuild a chalice segment in the hopes of emulating a slice of chalice in a form Rhino will flow along. The resulting flowed flame object won’t perfectly align with the Chalice surface, and I will need to edit the final result to cope with that, which may be okay as I’ll be boolean trimming and unioning the final result anyway. Wondering if I’m on the right track or missing something.
Hi @djhg ,
Can you post the object, base srf and target srf please in one 3dm?
Thankyou Brian. I will first thing tomorrow.
FlowAlongSrfExplore.3dm (4.9 MB)
Hi @djhg ,
See the attached file for how I’d suggest going about this. First, I’d model a single surface as the target making sure it doesn’t have any kinks or hard edges in it. I used a few commands to get the smooth curves I used with NetworkSrf to make this surface. Then I used the Smash command to get a custom base surface to use with FlowAlongSrf. Personally, I would also QuadRemesh one of the leaf forms into a SubD and flow an arrangement of that instead of the NURBS leaf. This will process much much faster. You will get some self-intersections no matter what you flow with a target surface like this but with the SubDs you won’t get added complexity and can adjust by editing edgeloops or simply deleting some. If you require NURBS at the end of your workflow, use ToNURBS on those flowed SubDs. I hope that helps.
FlowAlongSrfExplore_bj.3dm (6.7 MB)
THankyou Brian. I ended up doing something like that, though I stayed with Nurbs. A key to make it feasible was setting Preserve Structure to Yes. Unit I figured that out each FlowAlongSrf operation took between 5 and 10 minutes. With Preserve Structure each operation was almost instantaneous.