FlowAlongSrf & Modo UV transform

Hi all,
I know FlowAlongSrf is Maps (transforms) some geometry from one “surface space” to another “surface space”.

I want to transform some 3D geometry form one “mesh” to another “mesh” as below photo.

I just find the kangaroo meshmap can transform the 2D point.

Is there an onther way to do that?


flowalongsrf will accept mesh for geometry input, but needs nurbs for the base surfaces .

you could quadremesh the base surfaces, then tosubd, then tonurbs. this will give you a nurbs base to flow your mesh objects

Hi @pierrec
Does Rhino 8 support SquishBack 3D objects . is much better than Flow along surface

Thank you for your reply.
I try to follow your suggestion as blow. The Nurbs was divided a lot of surface. Are there any wrong with my way?

not that I see, as long as you are getting results that work.

Pufferfish plugin has Mesh Morph component to do

@PowerShape I’ve got this on my list already: RH-60263 Wish to be able to SquishBack 3D objects.

What doesn’t work for you in FlowAlongSrf? What kind of target surfaces and 3d objects to squish back are you using? Do you need both rigid and non-rigid options from the FlowAlongSrf command?


Thank you for your help!! It is very helpful to me.

Hi @pierrec What is the latest news, there is no test command to try ?

i there any news for RH-60263