FlowAlongSrf not exact enough

Hello there!

I am having trouble with the FlowAlongSrf command.

What I am trying to do is flow one single object along a certain surface to give it some topographical features.

Object with the base surface.

Target surface.

When i now apply the command FlowAlongSrf, the command seems to be not “tight” enough and the object doesn’t hug the target surface as tightly as I would like it to:

I checked the directions of the two surfaces and they align with each other:

And also giving all the objects higher resolution doesn’t help:

Has anyone ever dealt with this kind of behavior before?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Hello- - FlowAlongSrf really needs a single surface and not a SubD face - it can only use the single face and not the whole subD object as the input.
What is happening is that the flow is from one flat face to the one tipped face…

You might want to use Pascal’s ProjectObjects script for this instead.


hm - I don’t know if that accepts SubD targets… checking…
It does -
ProjectObjects.rhp (24 KB)

@benzo - Unblock the rhp file, drag and drop onto Rhino. The command in this plug-in is
Note the object must be smaller than the target - also, there is a density setting that defaults to 4 by 4 - you can increase these if the target is very curved or varied.
