Hello, is there a flow between two surface commands or GS workflow?
either one geometry to flow/stretch and fit between two surfaces, or a pattern ? (I guess a pattern maybe can be done with paneling tools?)
Assigned to Rhino category
Hi Mikele - I am not 100% sure what you are asking for but TweenSurfaces
might be it, or FlowAlongSrf
i assume this is a grasshopper question, morph are grasshopper components.
looking for flow between two boundaries,
A= is a flow along surface, on the tweened yellow middle.
but is there a way to make the object stretch to fit between the boundaries of the top and bottom?
B= is a manual pull/push of subD, but ideally, its stretched exactly to the boundaries between.
And say I change the object to another shape and to match it again.
Flow or morph between two surfaces.3dm (12.1 MB)
Hi Mikele - I do not see a good way to inflate an object as you describe - you may be able to get partway there by using Project on the SubD control points or edit points once it is in position on the Tween surface.
That would work for now.
but ill also try to grasshopper something.
maybe also _cageEdit ?
Is there a ‘FlowAlongSurface’ in grasshopper?
Hello- yes,