Flow along curve

Swirl.pdf (3.1 MB)
I am trying to do this on Rhino 8 , any idea? I have tried Flow along Curve by doing a Spiral and flat circles to flow along the spiral in a diminishing way toward the top . I also tried with Tube. I can’t do it. Can someone help Please?

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Helix / Spiral
Pipe / Sweep1

just for others that don t want to download the pdf…

without fiddling the proportions:

draw 2 curves (yellow, left)

draw an initial surface (left)

now deform the surface - 2 possibilities:
(B - that s what i used)
_cageEdit (Boundingbox 2x2x2 points, degree 1x1x1)
gumball-Scale or _scale2d the upper CVs of the box

helix_cone.3dm (16.3 MB)

Thanks Tom.
Ah! So simple, I should have thought about Taper and Cage Edit. Thanks again, very helpful.

this this solve your question ?
please mark my answer as solution - so others don t need to dig into the topic - just to see it s solve…
happy modelling - tom

I now have checked Solution.

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