Flow along curve question

Hello, sorry for disturb :slight_smile:

I have some question for flow along curve.

On the picture, Number 1 is curve surface. I try to make it to flat surface by flow along curve.
So the 1st step I make it flat by red vertical line , then 2nd step was yellow horizontal line.
Normally, after two of this step, I can get the full flat surface.
But now my number 3 surface is not full flat…Why?




@Kyle7 Welcome to the forum. Please upload a .3dm file with the geometry, preferably with the three steps as shown in your video. Responses which are guesses can be made based on the video but having the .3dm file would enable a better response.

Alternative methods for flattening surfaces include UnrollSrf, Squish and Smash.

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Thank you very much :slight_smile: