Flattening curves for multipipe does not work

I’ve seen this (Multipipe not working as should?) post, but as it did not resolve my issue, I dare to ask again :grinning:

I would like to apply multipipe on curves, which I generate with a voronoi and a plane. However, as of now the curves are treated seperatetly altough I would like to flatten the input, so that the nodes are nicely merged.

At the very right side you can see my multipipe setup. with the curves, and the flattened curves. Once the flattened curves are connected to the inputs the command fails.

Attached is also my file to reproduce the error. I removed all the other components, which do not aid in this problem. (“minimal working example”
mwe_voronoi flattening.ghx (202.8 KB)

Hi @Philip7
Can you internalise the curves just before they go into Multipipe so I can look without shapediver

of course. I internalised at two points, to enable someone to see how we arrive at the curves.
mwe_voronoi flattening.ghx (246.6 KB)

Ok, it looks like the input is actually a load of overlapping curves.
The quick way to fix this is to run it through topologizer:
Topologizer.gha (19 KB)
mwe_voronoi flattening (1).ghx (288.0 KB)

However, cleaner would be to look at how you’re generating the curves in the first place to avoid the duplication


Oh, I see you’re getting a 2d planar Voronoi by making a 3d Voronoi of coplanar points, turning all the cells into meshes and intersecting those meshes with another coplanar mesh.
The extra mess of lines you’re getting are from that intersection step. Just use a 2d Voronoi:
simpler_way_fitplane.gh (14.8 KB)


Thanks, your solution works very nicely.