I’m trying to figure out how to transform a surface so that it mirrors the surface above it. I’ve used Splop to demonstrate what I’m aiming for. Essentially, I need to move it directly upwards while maintaining its current size and conforming to the curves of the surface above.
Obejct Type is not important as it will at some point be converted to a mesh.
Do you have any ideas on how to achieve this easily? Eventually, I’ll need to automate this process, with a python script.
DupBorder on the green surface. extrude it upwards and intersect with the red, trim the red surface with the intersection duplicate it and use SetPt right click z and pull it down to the green boundary, now use this as a base surface and use FlowAlongSrf with the duplicated trimmed surface as a target.
Object morph…3dm (3.7 MB)
Hi sales, what I did was Dup Border on your red surface, then made a copy of your blue surface , then pulled the curve made from dup border to the copied blue surface and then split it. . Is this what you want? —Mark