Firefly Silent Multi-User Install failure

Hey there community!

I am trying to silently install the Firefly x64 MSI download from Food4Rhino (truly Firefly according to install records), however I am struggling to get it working for ALL users even after the flag is given within the commandline.

msiexec.exe /i “fireflyinstaller1007064bit.msi” ALLUSERS=1 /qb
msiexec.exe /i “fireflyinstaller1007064bit.msi” ALLUSERS=1 /qn

The output log states it installs and after a few minutes of running it states that it is present in the installed applications. However, upon my research on the testing workstation I have only found that it truly installs for the service account we use instead of all users.

When attempting to copy the components located in the service account’s appdata\grasshopper\libraries folder to another user I receive an error loading the Firefly.X component stating it could not load the Microsoft.Kinect Version 1.5.0 and crashes rhino all together.

Anyone have any suggestions to get this to install properly?
