Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get Technical Views to print to PDF from Layout with finer line weights? I understand that the Tech View is a raster image and Wireframe would be vector but I’m hoping to avoid all the hoops of redoing Make2D and pulling dims each time I have to move something over a tiny bit. It would be so slick if Tech View was a vector.
I’m also looking for a solution for this, is it possible to change the silhouette and edge line width to less than 1, or scale it somehow so they print as finer line weights in tech and pen view?
Visual Arq includes a display mode called Hidden Line which is basically Technical Display but it can be printed in Vector. Quite amazing how well it works, I with it could be included in Rhino itself.
Also, the thickness of ‘hairline’ lines in Rhino once printed depends on the PDF viewing software, and screen resolution. I think theoreticaly, they are the thinnest lines you can get. If you need them to visually look thinner you can make them a light grey colour (an old archi school trick).
You can use a linewieght of one, then use the -viewcapturetofile and set the resolution to a higher resolution then your monitor. Then when bringing that image into Photoshop or another paint program, do not lose any resolution.
Sometimes, in Acrobat, to uncheck the “Enhance Thin Lines” option can help, provided that the lines have a weight. The problem is that is a preference specific to the final users.
Another issue I’m having is the paper size changes the resolution of the lines. When printed to an 11x17 PDF the line weights are quite fine and crisp, but on an Arch D they become very heavy and even pixelated. Almost as if the resolution is based on sheet size and not per inch… I’ve attached a screen shot of the same model printed to the two different sheet sizes. My workaround here has been to jack the resolution way up but this is making file sizes pretty big.
I’m printing in vector mode. All the lines/polylines and dimension lines drawn in the layout are vector and very fine/crisp. Its only the displays that are rasterized, even in vector mode.
I recently upgraded to Rhino 7.0 hoping that this feature would finally be included in the Display Modes, but to my dismay I still do not see this being included. It is unacceptable that this has been a wish list item, since possibly 2013 in Rhino 5.0! I work extensively with Rhino for large architecture and infrastructure projects, and if I am not able to produce vector linework from the viewports or in the layout tabs, then I have to abandon Rhino and produce documents using other software. This other software, even as ancient as AutoCAD has this feature to produce vector linework from a hidden line mode, while newer platforms such as Revit also has this feature, and SketchUp, among others. It’s embarrassing that I advocate so much for our office to use Rhino for production, but when our documents are printed with raster graphics - which is still our only output option in Rhino - and our internal team and consultants aren’t able to use pdf measuring tools for scaling purposes, then I am essentially derided for sharing documents that are deemed unusable. McNeel, get with the current times and needs of people who use your software in the business of not just design/modeling, but producing technical drawings of our designs!
Make2D is not a solution! Just give us the option to either turn off hidden lines in a Wireframe style display mode, or using one of the technical styles that even with a Shade feature on, that should still have the ability to produce the linework as vectors. There is also no need for any of us to have to rely on a 3rd party plugin such as VisualArq, when I don’t need the huge list of features that come with that platform. We just need a display mode that functions exactly the same way that all other software platforms in our industry provide as a standard.