FilletEdge fails on single edge fillet

Continuing the discussion from Filleting Multiple Edges Problems:

Using @milezee’s kerbstone, I wanted to fillet single edges. However a simple 10mm fillet on one long straight edge fails here:

According to command history it is unable to build the corners:

Changing the original tolerance of 0.01 to 0.001 before filleting did not correct the fault.
Rhino 7 SR 32 (7.32.23191.11001, 2023-07-10)


P.S. The other diagonal of the same object fillets correctly:


If that triangular face is replaced by a trimmed plane, both edges fillet OK individually…



I trust that is simply an observation, and not a proposal…

thanks for chipiing in @jeremy5 , you’d think these should just work, or as a simple end user I do :man_shrugging:t4:. @pascal can you explain in more detail why/how you created a trimmed surface and made it work ?

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singularities are known to be causing troubles in further surfacing including filleting, so imo it’s a proposal.

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But not together…

The trimmed surface has just created a new problem. :man_facepalming:


Thanks, it is on the heap

RH-75829 FilletEdge: trim failure



The way I see it is that as McNeel have given us the ability to create a surface from three edges (three selections and a keypress) that surface should be usable downstream. Unfortunately, your proposal requires five selections, a key-combo, two more selections and a key press. More tedious and less productive. Oh, and I still can’t fillet this object with it (see previous post).
