I hope anyone can help me out on finding solutions or an answer for the issue I am having right now…
I would like to fillet the highlighted edges with 1/4" or 1/8" radius. But it gives me errors that make my geometry open polysurface or break the form. I have tried “fillet edge” and “blend edge” but neither seemed to work for me…
if MergeAllCoplanarFaces doen not help
please post the rhino/3dm file.
you may also want to check the Surfaces Seams of the cylinders (better results if they point away from any corner as fare as possible. (_extractSrf _untrimAll _srfSeam or _rotate, -> _trim _join)
In addition and probably the real problem, the vertical cylinder has its seam right on the seam between the two halves of the horizontal one - as Tom suggested.
I would make that seam inside the volume of the part where it will be removed by trimming or Boolean operation, and make the horizontal part from a single surface.