File Management Software Recommendations

Looking for File Management Software Recommendations.

Software that will act as an enterprise wide library, check-in, check-out, keep track of file changes (versions), users, permissions, sharing friendly etc.

I have a solution that is similar to what you described and could easily be adapted to your needs, It’s for tracking Rhinoceros usage, model perms etc. We use it at our office to ensure that we have clear tracking of what happens to the 3d models and being able to trackdown history basically.
You can reach out to me at and we can get a customized solution for you going.
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Thank you Farouk, I will pass your contact info along to the decision makers and suggest they reachout to you. I do believe they are looking for an off the shelf solution but Im not seeing any such product in existence.

Of course there are no off-the-shelf PDM solutions, period, what you are buying is the chance to pay consultants an immense amount of money to implement it for you.

I think it is quite normal for medium sized organizations to get tailored solutions, usually the implementation cost is offsetted largely by the amount of time and headache saved to the end users.
It may not make particular sense for small organizations, but being able to organize projects and assign a hiercarcy is fundamental, as a matter of fact solutions like Cadmatic dominate the naval industry, not because they’re that great, but because of the large amount of management tasks It takes care of for the user.
It’s all a matter of optimization of your resources, if you can optimize the work of 50people how much do you save a year? Scale to 100,250,300,500.
It’s the numbers game.

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It’s not a thrilling user experience but I’ve worked with it in several orgs.

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We are on sharepoint now in one office. What we need is a solution to use between two offices (two different countries) one uses MS and the other GOOGLE. Rhino is all we share in common regarding software. We need a system that will bridge between the two offices and keep track of user edits, versioning and library functions, primarily.